Summertime always means a different pace at church. This year we will be continuing to create a different in person summertime experience that center connecting with our church community. We are a faith that at it's center focuses on being in community and fellowship, this summer we will dive deeper into this focus by offering ways for our community to gather in easy, fun, and relaxed outdoor ways.
June 5 - Worship Service led by ministerial studentMcKayla Hoffman 10 am, (Annual Meeting led by FPC Board Chair after service) 12 - All Ages Outdoor Blessing of the Animals Service led by ministerial studentMcKayla Hoffman 10 am, 19- All Ages Church in the Park 10 am- Join us at Hopewell Park in Taunton 21 - All Ages Outdoor Summer Solstice Service led by ministerial studentMcKayla Hoffman and Director of Religious Education April Rosario 5;30 pm 26 - BYOB Church Picnic Brunch 10 am
July 3 - Online Worship Service 10 am & All Ages Nature Walk at Boyden Bird Sanctuary 2 pm 10 - Church Picnic Brunch 10 am 17 - Online Worship Service 10 am (many church members leaving for Star Island Building Bridges Conference) 24 - Online Worship Service 10 am (many church members returning from Star Island Building Bridges Conference) 31 - Experiential Service led by ministerial studentMcKayla Hoffman 10 am
August 7 - Outdoor Community Coffee Hour, Farmer's Market, and Thrift Store 10 am 14 - Outdoor Community Coffee Hour, Farmer's Market, and Thrift Store 10 am 21 -Outdoor Community Coffee Hour, Farmer's Market, and Thrift Store 10 am 28 - Outdoor Community Coffee Hour, Farmer's Market, and Thrift Store 10 am
September 4 - Welcome Back Service led by New Minister 10 am