Faith Formation Job Description

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REPORTS TO: The Minister or, in the absence of a minister, the Board Chair or designee
STATUS: Part-time (20 hours/week)
The Director of Lifespan Faith Formation is responsible for the overall planning, creation, and implementation of childcare, youth, and adult Faith Formation classes, groups, and outings at First Parish Church in Taunton.
Lesson Planning and Teaching
Multigenerational Events or Worship
Administrative Duties
Building Use
Committees and Partnerships
Professional Development
Discuss goals with minister and create a plan for continued professional development.
Core Competencies
Updated: April 27, 2024
REPORTS TO: The Minister or, in the absence of a minister, the Board Chair or designee
STATUS: Part-time (20 hours/week)
The Director of Lifespan Faith Formation is responsible for the overall planning, creation, and implementation of childcare, youth, and adult Faith Formation classes, groups, and outings at First Parish Church in Taunton.
Lesson Planning and Teaching
- Select or develop Faith Formation curriculum and use lesson plans
- Facilitate teacher training annually
- Provide lesson plans to volunteers and go over details for implementation
- Gather/shop for materials needed and set up classrooms to support Faith Formation classes and activities
- Reflect on lessons and how to improve
- Support volunteer participation in Faith Formation
- Lead children and FF classes as needed
- Coordinate adult religious education classes and small groups
Multigenerational Events or Worship
- Meet with minister to create cohesion between the theme of the month and Time For All Ages.
- Find/write and deliver Time For All Ages Stories for Sunday Services
- Plan for and lead multigenerational worship (Including but not limited to Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Fall Equinox, and Spring Equinox outside services)
- Plan and help lead multigenerational events (e.g., child dedications)
Administrative Duties
- Participate in planning for Sunday Services for the annual calendar
- Advertise or publicize the FF program ( i.e., social media, weekly updates)
- Update Parents/caregivers and church members (Facebook page, email, phone, coffee hour)
- Meet with supervisor at least monthly
- Plan events/activities with the minister or Board around growth and outreach
- Recruit and train volunteers
- Hire, supervise, and train childcare attendants
- Maintain Faith Formation records (registration, attendance)
- Ensure that all volunteers working with children and youth have been CORI-checked
- Respond to work-related communication in a timely manner
Building Use
- Understanding that the Faith Formation rooms are used by other groups, the DFF will ensure that Sunday school projects are put away and that the space is tidy.
- Ensure the Faith Formation, playroom, and nursery are safe places for children and youth.
Committees and Partnerships
- Participate in weekly staff meetings
- Participate in Worship Committee
- Participate in Faith Formation Committee
- Participate in Pastoral Care Committee
- Ex-officio member of Board of Trustees
- Work with community partners in planning and execution of FPC participation in community events
Professional Development
Discuss goals with minister and create a plan for continued professional development.
Core Competencies
- Mission Ownership: Demonstrates understanding and full support of the mission vision, values and beliefs of First Parish Church in Taunton; can demonstrated those values to others; consistently behaves in a manner congruent with the mission, vision, values and beliefs of the congregation.
- Volunteer Management: Provides direction, gains commitment, facilitates change and achieves results through the efficient, creative and responsible deployment of volunteers; engages people in their areas of gifts and passion.
- Integrity and Trust: Is seen as trustworthy by others; direct, honest and transparent communication; keeps confidences, admits mistakes, doesn’t operate with hidden agendas; responds to situations with constance with professionalism and reliability.
- Interpersonal Skills: Establishes good working relationship with all others who are relevant to the completion of their work; works well with people on all levels of the congregation; builds appropriate rapport; considers the impact of their actions on others; uses diplomacy and tact; is approachable; avoids communication triangles.
- Time Management: Is able and willing to focus time on tasks that contribute to organizational goals; uses time effectively and efficiently; values time and respects the time of others; concentrates their efforts on the most important priorities; can appropriately balance priorities.
- Written Communication: Is able to write clearly and engagingly; employs correct grammar and punctuation; clearly communicates messages appropriate to the contexts.
- Attention to Detail: Consistently attends to the many small pieces that must be assembled into an organized whole; follows up on missing or out of balance items; resolves unanswered questions needed to address a problem; keeps the larger picture in mind while tending to the smallest of details.
Updated: April 27, 2024